Spring 2014 GRANTS
Green in Action Award NEW!
Deadline: April 30
Green In Action Awards will be granted to schools, classrooms or youth groups who have demonstrated their commitment, creativity, or passion for sustainability in their application. Great application materials include photos, videos, essays, or artwork. Winners receive $250 for their class! They will also be featured in national news and have their application materials (such as videos, photographs and scanned artwork) shared on the National Green Week site. http://bit.ly/OfUh75
ING Unsung Heroes Awards
Deadline: April 30
The ING Unsung Heroes Awards Program provides educators with awards to help fund innovative class projects. Full-time educators, teachers, principals, paraprofessionals, or classified staff with effective projects that improve student learning are eligible to apply. 100 finalists each receive an award of $2,000. At least one award will be granted in each of the 50 United States. Of the 100 finalists, three will be selected for additional financial awards of $5,000, $10,000, and $25,000. http://bit.ly/NYSGmf
Youth Engaged 4 Change Contest NEW!
Deadline: May 4
YE4C wants to hear how youth make a difference directly from the experts: young change makers like you. Can you think of a time when you were eager to make a difference? How did you turn your passion into action? Share your advice with other youth and young adults who want to make a difference and are figuring out where to start.
Submit your own original poster or photo(s) that share the advice you would offer friends, classmates, and teens around the nation who want to make a difference in the lives of others. You can win prizes up to $500! http://1.usa.gov/1maYLLh
Dollar General Youth Literacy Grants NEW!
Deadline: May 22
Youth Literacy Grants provide funding to schools, public libraries, and nonprofit organizations to help students who are below grade level or experiencing difficulty reading. Grant funding is provided to assist in the following areas: implementing new or expanding existing literacy programs; purchasing new technology or equipment to support literacy initiatives; and purchasing books, materials or software for literacy programs. Maximum grant award is $4,000. http://bit.ly/1i0oLDc
Annie’s Grants for Gardens NEW!
Deadline: June 2
Annie’s offers grants to school gardens that connect children directly to real food. These funds can be used to buy gardening tools, seeds or other needed supplies. Get $500 to start a brand-new school garden program. Use these funds for anything from classroom seeds in a cup to garden beds. There’s no need to have an existing garden! Or, apply for $1,500 to deepen your school garden program. You must have an existing school garden to choose this entry type. http://bit.ly/YIGM4i
L’Oréal Paris Women of Worth NEW!
Deadline: June 25
L’Oréal Paris’ Women of Worth program celebrates everyday women who follow their true passion to make a difference in the world through volunteerism. Every year, 10 women are chosen and are honored for their extraordinary efforts to serve their communities with a $10,000 donation to their charitable cause. One of these amazing women is selected as the national honoree and rewarded with an additional $25,000. Honor a deserving woman’s selfless work in helping and inspiring others!http://bit.ly/11DeUuj
National Environmental Education Foundation Every Day Grants NEW!
Deadline: April 30
NEEF’s Every Day Capacity Building Grants provide groups with grant funds of up to $5,000 to help build their capacity to serve public lands. Every Day Grants strengthen the stewardship of public lands by strengthening public land groups through funding for organizational capacity building and for events to engage their local communities on the lands for education, recreation, or volunteering.http://bit.ly/1k4Y5af
State Farm Youth Advisory Board Grants
Deadline: May 2
Four million dollars will be granted to quality, youth-led service-learning initiatives throughout the United States. Grants range from $25,000 to $100,000. Each grant request must focus in one of the priority issue areas. Applying organizations must be a public K-12, charter, or higher education institution within the United States. Non-profit organizations are also eligible if they are able to demonstrate how they plan to impact student achievement in public K-12 schools.http://bit.ly/1kBntUq
PEOPLE All-Star Teachers Contest
Deadline: May 6
Major League Baseball, PEOPLE, and Target invite you to nominate a current or retired teacher who is a classroom all-star. Someone who has made a difference in the lives of students as well as the community. Thirty teachers will attend and be honored at the 2014 MLB All-Star Game at Target Field in Minnesota. http://atmlb.com/1go5VaP
EarthEcho Expedition Student Achievement Grants NEW!
Deadline: June 1
Teachers are invited to apply for EarthEcho Expedition Student Achievement grants of up to $2,000 to support projects that mitigate the impacts of dead zones in local communities, as inspired by EarthEcho Expeditions: Into the Dead Zone. Interested public school educators must be registered at www.EarthEcho.org/Expeditions to be eligible to apply. All applications must be submitted through the NEA Foundation online application portal, with additional instructions athttp://bit.ly/QCDeOp
Partners of the Americas Legislative Fellows Exchange Program NEW!
Deadline: June 8
The Legislative Fellows Program is a US Department of State-funded exchange program implemented by Partners of the Americas that aims to bridge civil society and government. US Fellows undertake two-week fellowships in one of the participating countries in Latin America & the Caribbean. Applicants should be mid-level professionals between the ages of 25 and 40. They do not need to speak Spanish or Portuguese to participate. http://bit.ly/QJqF3n
True Hero Competition NEW!
Deadline: June 30
True Hero grants cash awards to high school, college and qualified non-profit community youth organizations that sponsor service trips and volunteer activities for students. These cash awards enable more schools to continue their service learning programs and offer a life changing experience to those students who participate. Awards are given to those projects with the most on-line votes on June 30th, 2014. There is still time to post your project and get votes! http://bit.ly/1nKwVDi
State Farm Student Achievement Program
Deadline: June 6
A program introduction webinar for all interested applicants will be held on May 19 at 5:00 PMEastern. Register at http://bit.ly/1hrqhks
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