ChiTeen Lit Fest
We participated in ChiTeen Lit Fest with a panel/workshop: Designing Your Story Through Sound, and it was such a thrill!
Sharing how we developed the structure of an audio piece (scriptwriting) through the composition of scenarios with the goal to engage and connect the listener with their story. Each teen in our class, Your Story, Your Way! uses sound design to bring their words to life; blurring the lines – where storytelling becomes informative and creates awareness on teens’ opinions, concerns, feelings and emotions about what’s happening in our society!!
Meet this amazing group of teens:
Cecilia Ruiz, Yajaira Quiñonez and Brian Cruz are storytellers, writers and audio producers from the Little Village neighborhood. Cecilia is a goofy feminist boxer and memeist high school sophomore. Yajaira lives in a complicated world in which she collapses all her fictional stories. In her spare time she will walk for hours and hours, that is where most her ideas come. Her other source of inspiration is drawing and listening to the weird type of music you find on youtube. She’s a HS graduate and freeloader. Brian is a freshman college student at Harold Washington College. He’s currently studying for accounting but is willing to keep doing journalism as a hobbie. By the way, he loves cats and music. Wow… Emmanuel Ramirez, our moderator is cool!!
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