A short interview with one of our young curators here at Yollocalli.

1) Who are you and what do you do? My name is Andy Ramirez and I am a young curator here at Yollocalli.

2) What do you do as a curator? Well, right now we’re working on a gallery. We call it “Feminart” which is a female art gallery. “Feminart” is to represent the fact that in the art world male artists are more seen compared to female artists so this is a way to let female names be heard.

3) Why are you interested in working with youth? Because in certain areas in Chicago such as Little Village or Pilsen, it used to be called bad and that teens are bad, but when they do things like this you see how the youth can get along, how they can work, how they can focus, and how they have maintained that stride to be something better. 

4) What do you like most about what you do? The new things I get to learn because I never what a curator was until I did this program. This is still new to me and I always thought that people who made galleries were just the host or the people in charge. Well, it kind of is the same with the curator except they choose the work; they choose the idea of it and how to put it together like a story. It’s really fascinating.

5) Do you see yourself continuing to do this in the future? I would like to try other things as well. Don’t get me wrong, I love this program it’s really fun, I meet new people and artists that are amazing and impressive. You wouldn’t believe people at some ages that can draw like that. This 13 year old, Katie, draws as if she’s 17 or 18 years old and she’s very creative and it shows in her drawings. Being a curator I would really like to do it again, but I would like to get into other things as well with performing arts or art in general.image

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